Our Services

Mindfire Capital

This is a financing arm of Mindfire international set up to support start-up of businesses developed under the incubation and acceleration programs. Mindfire uses innovative approaches to rise revolving funds for beneficiaries in order to create a sustainable and successful funding program. The main products on the market currently;

  1. Microlease product.
  2. Equity Financing.

Training & Skills Development to advance Institutional Development & Financial Inclusion

Holistic growth for companies, industries and economies does not just happen. The powerful economies in the West and East have proved to us that culture, mindset and attitudes are the greatest attributes of holistic growth. Enable this growth by facilitating your team to build sustainable revenues for your organisation/company by affording them the following training courses:

a) Financial Inclusion training and skills development: Financial Literacy Workshops, Building Positive Business Mindsets, Access to Financial Services, Tailored Training Programs, Practical Application Workshops, Post-Training Support

b) Professional training and support services for institutions: Training of Trainers (Practical Adult Training Techniques), Green &Islamic Finance, Training & product dev’t, Resource Mobilization, Balance scorecard development, Market Research and report writing, Tax planning and filing returns, Record-keeping and filing system, Business scaling, Financial and Risk modeling and advisory, Developing a Growth Mindset, Personal Money Management, Retirement Planning, Hustle-free Investments for the Future

Fund Utilisation Management for MSMEs

In the dynamic business environment, especially for MSMEs, consistent project supervision is crucial to meet funding objectives. However, funders often face challenges in closely monitoring beneficiaries, lead- ing to unmet objectives and instances of fund mismanagement, ultimately limiting the intended impact on the ground.

At MindFire, we’ve assembled a dedicated team to tackle this challenge on behalf of funders. Through robust systems, we ensure close monitoring of fund beneficiaries, ensuring adherence to fund agreement

Business Incubation and Acceleration for underprivileged Communities

At MindFire, we hold firm to the belief that true social and economic transformation occurs when individu- als are guided and empowered to establish, develop, and expand enterprises they are passionately devot- ed to, ones with the capacity for market growth and success. To accomplish this, aspiring entrepreneurs require assistance in areas such as market research, risk assessment, financial planning, and advisory ser- vices across all aspects crucial for a resilient and scalable business operation.

Bring us your idea, and let us accompany you on the journey of transforming it into a thriving, fully- fledged enterprise.