How to Pitch Your Business to an Investor

If you think pitching to an investor is as easy as ABC then you have no idea if what pitching to an investor really. It can be tough and nerve wrecking. But not to dampen your hope and confidence, here is the good news- we have put together a tried and tested list of all the things you need in your tool kit to woo that investor. So don’t fret let’s jump right in!

  1. Know your investor

Its very easy to fall for the wrong notion that a business pitch starts when you meet the investor. Why is this wrong? Because like any human investors have a history and certain things they resonate with. So depending on this your fate with this investor could be long decided even before he or she listens to your pitch.

So do your due diligence, know the investor you’re pitching to. Be it an individual or a company. Know where your visions may clash and prepare an effective response. But that’s not all for more information on what you need to about your investor before pitch click here.

  1. Schedule your meeting right!

The truth is your might not always pitch your world-changing business idea to an investor in a board room with all the heavenly light a room can have on a Wednesday morning that might also be your birthday. As a founder deals will be made at a party or over lunch. But if you’re given an opportunity to choose. Be smart choose a day towards the weekend where the events in the office after your pitch don’t cloud things. Also if its over lunch choose a restaurant you’re sure the investor will like.

  1. Take control of meeting

When we say this I don’t mean be the loudest person in the room. Prepare adequately for the meet. Know your business and industry in and out. By industry we mean competition.

Have your figures right. But they need to be understandable. A good example of this is when Steve Jobs introduced the iPod he talked about “1000 songs in your pocket”. Not 2GB memory or anything of that sort.

Also use visual aids to keep your audience engaged. Keep the slides as few as possible. Leave room for questions that you’re prepared to answer. Investors know that if you have money figures right then your idea is realistic. So practice speaking, practice your presentation this will make pitch flawless.

  1. Tell your story

A story is always one of the best ways to capture the imagination of an audience. So be prepared to tell yours

Keep it short and focused on the ideas that you want your audience to take home. And this audience has the investor that will take your business to the next level. Improve your story telling here.

  1. Be realistic

As you pitch to an investor remember this. An investor because of experience and knowledge can be able to spot false confidence. And that’s not all even shaky information. Don’t come with the we will capture “50% of the market within….”  or ” we have the most innovative team.” Investors know that start-ups don’t have the money to get best in the job market let alone keep them. 

  1. End with a punch

You’ve come to the end of presentation. Well done. If you’ve done what we have mentioned you’re well on your way to success. But just before you think you have bagged the money. There’s that Q&A session. Prepare for that as well. Practice by putting yourself in an investor’s shoes. Anticipate what might be asked. Involve other knowledgeable people as you practice. Also don’t forget that visuals here are still important. Let your last slide have what you want your audience to remember when you’re done with the pitch.

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